Friday, June 25, 2010

How Filming My Life Turned Into Amature Gay Porn

About 6 months go now I bought Flip video camera, with this camera my friends and I filmed things that would happen through out our day such as walking to a store or something of that nature. The videos were than posted under the youtube page "ChicksWithBallss" (there is two ss because ChicksWithBalls was taken and was a page where women would film themselves talking about sports)

Anyways a few months go by when my friend Jack decides he wants to film himself pooping for the Internet. This is not as bad as it sounds, there is no nudity or anything. Its just him in a bathroom doing his thing while looking into the camera.

The Video Watch At Own Risk

This video has now gotten +3,000 views in 3 months. But wait! There's more!

With the youtube feature "Insight" you can see who is watching this video!

Now if you look at the chart you'll see that most of the views are from dudes 45-54. The other large amount of views come from chicks 45-54 aka dudes saying they are chicks...Gross

It doesn't stop there though! Read some of the comments on the videos! They are horrible! But we do have dedicated fans, so dedicated that we have gotten a second Filp from a fan to make sure Jack still does the videos!