Monday, October 11, 2010

Sometimes I Play Video Games: Dead Rising 2

One of my two followers on here may have heard of the game Dead Rising 2 witch came out last week. Well being me I was pretty stocked to play it so I gameflyed it for the weekend and all I can say is, F*ck you.

Nah just kiddin, but seriously, it was pretty bad.

Just The Facts Man
The game focuses on Chuck Greene and his daughter, who's name I cant remember because well I don't really care about her. You guys are quarantined into what is pretty much Las Vegas, oh and there is alot of zombies, like alot alot, we are talking about 6,000 on screen at once. Chuck gets blamed for the zombie out break and works to clear his name.

The gameplay itself is fun because well you can use anything, and it is pretty satisfying to kill a zombie using the arm of a passed out dead hooker. The part that is super annoying is that the game runs on a time based system. Let me explain this.

The game is not level based, instead it works on in game time, in this game you have 72 hours to do everything. But in this 72 hours you have other time based objectives examples: Every 24 hours you have to give you daughter medicine, or you lose. You have to get to each mission at the proper in game time, or you lose. You have to use the bathroom on time, or you lose.

Just kiddin about that last one, but seriously, its pretty annoying.

Oh also when you lose you only have one save file, this means that usually when you lose you don't get to start at the last check point you were at, you just restart the game. You don't just restart when you lose a mission either, also every time you die, witch is alot. In the 4 hours that I played this game I restarted about 7 or so times, and trust me those cut scenes get funnyer every time I saw them, I'm laughing just thinking about them.

I made that picture.

This was by far the most frustrating experience I have had in a very long time, and last weekend I cooked a banana soufflé with no cooking knowledge and just the Internet.

I Didn't Feel Like Reading The Whole Blog So I Skipped To This Part

If I had to give this game a rating I would give it good solid, f**k you.

Nah just kiddin, but seriously I hate it.

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