Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Need To Get Marryed? (How I Become A Minister)

I know what your thinking, "West! You became a minister?! Doesn't that require years of studying? Don't you have to climb a mountain to learn a lesson from the man who lives at the top?" To keep it simple, No.

"Well than West, how did you become a minister?"
The same way Homer did on that episode of the Simpsons. Yeah it was pretty much the exact same process that Homer went through, just instead of paying $200 I only had to pay $10.

All I did was verifier an email and answer 12 basic questions (Such as name and location) than I was done, the end. Seriously, no quiz on religion or marriage laws. They didn't even bring up the fact that I'm under 18!

That is not my official Certificate Of Ordination. My official certificate is on it's way.

So why is this so easy? Because of the Separation Of Church And State. When becoming a minister you don't have to fill out any government forms.This cuts down on a lot of time.
But how can it be that easy?! I mean don't you need something else to marry people?

The answer to that is yes. In most places you also need a Letter Of Good Standing from the church and an Ordination Credential. I know, I know. A Letter Of Good Standing from a church? I'm screwed! Oh wait, the same website that Ordained me also sells both of these things. So if you have $25 and about 6 minutes. You too can also become a minister!

Anyone want to get married?

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