Thursday, May 6, 2010

Why I Don't Take Rap Seriously.

Rap is a form of music, before I even start I want to make it clear that there are rappers out there who are actually making real music. The ones I'm talking about are not.

Now I am aware that there are bad lyrics in every genera of music but rap has got to be up there for just some of the worst song titles and lyrics ever. I would like to take a moment to show you some of my personal favorite. Ever hear of Rick Ross? Me too! He's simply my favorite! What's your favorite song? Yeah I know its a hard one. Right now I'm really into "Hit U From The Back," although "Where My Money At? (I Need Cash)" is pretty good too. You also can't go wrong with "Prayer." Wait a second. Prayer? Like pray to god prayer? Yeah this song starts with Psalm 27, than the rest of it is him praying to god. Rick Ross is not the only rapper to do this though. DMX also includes prayers on his album. Not one. Not two. But five different prayers though out his career. In fact in 2009 DMX was trying to become a TV preacher. Yeah. That's right.

Being a rapper/preacher isn't all that DMX does though. He is also an MMA fighter. Don't believe me?
Although DMX did back out of the fight, it gets better. In his place Coolio stepped in. In a way that's better than DMX. My question is why would anyone want to fight DMX? Do you know how many people DMX has stabbed? Enough to make me not want to fight him. Ever.

I wouldn't know what its like but I'm guessing when your famous you get to a point that you realize that your fame really won't last forever. This has got to be the case with 50 Cent. This guy has his name on everything, including a video game where you get to play as him and fight terrorists in Iraqi.

<---That's 100% real.

In fact, I have actually played this game! A I'm going to explain what happened the best that I can. So you play as 50 Cent. For some reason your playing a rap show in Iraqi, and Iraqi is like a full on war zone looking place. So your 50 Cent playing a rap show in a war zone. Than after the show you go backstage to get your money from the guy that hired you and you find out that he can't pay you. So what's 50 do? He pulls a shot gun out of no where and presses it against the dudes head. The guy tells him that he doesn't have the money but he can pay you in something else. How does he pay you? With a diamond encrusted human skull. 50 takes it and leaves. Now you cruising down what's left of the war zone streets, in your Hummer of course. When suddenly there is an explosion. What happened? Terrorists shot your Hummer with a rocket launcher. Why? Because they some how knew that you had a diamond encrusted skull and they wanted it. You than spend the rest of the game fighting terrorists trying to get your diamond encrusted skull back. I couldn't make this up even if i tried.

Now how could some one who put out a video game this awesome possibly make people not take them seriously? 5o Cent also put out a male make up line, for men who like to,"Pamper themselves." That's just so uncool its going to make people forget how cool he is for getting shot 9 times. That's pretty hard to make uncool.

Ever heard the band Black Eyed Peas? Chances are you have. Ever heard the song they wrote called, I Gotta Feeling? This song has what I am now calling some of the worst lyrics in hip-hop history. The song starts with like a minute and a half of this, "I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night. That tonight's gonna be a good night.That tonight's gonna be a good, good night" That is repeated four times before the song actually starts. Than once it starts random bits of Hebrew are thrown in. "Fill up my cup, mozoltov! Look at her dancing, just take it off." Wow if I was Jewish i would probably be pretty offended that you used a word for weddings and bar mitzvas, to get a girl to take it off. Than later in the song the phrase "Let's do it" its said almost 50 times. Remember how i said repetitive is catchy? Well sometimes its just annoying. I'm also gonna add that it's by far one of the worst Beatles covers i've ever heard.

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